A Better Way To Evaluate Complex Risk

Unlock the Power of Unstructured Data for Underwriters

Apply actuarial principles to unstructured content. Gain deeper visibility into the true risk exposure of new business.

What happens when you can reliably predict which submissions lead to losses?

Fluence has developed powerful algorithms that seek out the language that has the highest differential between good and bad commercial outcomes.

92% Accuracy detecting submissions that resulted in losses

AI-assisted triage

Knowing up front which business leads to profit or loss can transform how insurers prioritize new business.


Granular Risk Definition

Game-changing impact on profitability


An insurer sought to improve profitability by better identifying and managing risk within their portfolio.


By running the Fluence Engine across their entire portfolio, the insurer was able to apply advanced analysis to unstructured data, improving risk selection.


  • Reduced exposure to 74% of loss-making business.
  • Retained over 90% of profitable business.


Achieved dramatic enhancements in profitability and enabled the insurer to focus resources on high-value policies.

How Fluence helps


Learn from historic policy submissions.

Explore relationships between submissions and policy performance.

Showcase which losses could have been avoided.

Adapt Risk Selection strategy to reflect key findings.


Implement submission review with new business.

Establish real-time data pipelines for continuous access to insights.

Apply predictive insights to new business.

Embed outputs into existing risk models and workflows.


Expand to new lines of business.

Onboard new lines of business.

Capture and validate an increasing volume of policies.

Apply to new challenges such as default risk or claims handling.

Ideally suited to regulated industries

Process 1.5 billion words per hour

Audit entire document binders in minutes

Unlock insights quickly without delays

Consistent, repeatable results

Any input always produces the same results

Go beyond NLP

Deliver context on impact drivers

Discover significant terms and features

Models built on clear statistical probabilities

Fully governable to meet compliance needs

Unify structured and unstructured inputs

360° view of influencing factors

Models entirely powered by your data

Your IP stays with you

Your data is your competitive advantage

How can Fluence assist you?

Contact Form Demo (#3)